MOB MAGAZINE                                                  MOB MAGAZINE                                          MOB MAGAZINETue Jul 19 2022
At Mob Magazine, I played a pivotal role in the creative direction and execution of a comprehensive editorial issue. Our responsibilities included orchestrating the entire creative process, from initial concept to final production. We led the casting of models and assembled a highly skilled creative team, including photographers, hairstylists, nail technicians, wardrobe stylists, and other key professionals. Additionally, We coordinated the studio rental to ensure that all logistical aspects were seamlessly integrated.

In this role, We were accountable for every facet of organizational and financial planning. This included meticulous budgeting, financial reporting, and strategic time management to keep the project on track. We effectively managed multiple assistants and team members, ensuring smooth collaboration and efficient workflow throughout the production. Our efforts resulted in a well-executed editorial that showcased a cohesive and polished final product.